Friday, February 21, 2020

Does learning and development contribute to organisational success and Essay

Does learning and development contribute to organisational success and performance management - Essay Example While all three fields are usually held to be one and the same, practitioners instead view them separately (Garavan, Costeen and Heraty 1995). The field of training and development is said to have people taking on roles analogous to those found in the business world (Torrington, Hall and Taylor 2004). Senior managers take on the role of sponsors; business planners, meanwhile, are analogous to clients. The term ‘participants’ alludes to the trainees themselves and finally, the HRM staff are said to be facilitators. Naturally, each of these groups will have their own agendas and ideas as to how best to go about the process, which may or may not come into conflict with each other. The most common instance is the conflict that often occurs between employees and bosses, and is the #1 reason for people quitting their jobs. As Dr. John Hoover (2003) explains, bosses are not perfect, and it is sometimes the case that their competence is matched or even exceeded by one of their subordinates. In such a case, pride must be swallowed if a healthy working relationship is to be maintained; as Hoover puts it, raw talent, knowledge and skill are rarely if ever more important than getting along well with one’s co-workers. This makes it necessary that people skills be part of the employees’ training regimen. Bob Hamilton (2009) of Articlesbase stresses training and development as one of the most important things any business owner must keep in mind. Specifically, he says, this is something vital both for high-ranking executives and lower-level managers alike. It is recommended that the employees all have a good grasp of what their work entails. They need to understand what their duties and responsibilities are, and to have the skills necessary to carry these out as efficiently as possible. Giving them a guided tour of the facilities may help in this regard, as will a straightforward

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Efficient time management in the home and workplace Essay

Efficient time management in the home and workplace - Essay Example However, beyond the mathematics, the rhetoric and its complexities, what we do know is that, though time is evasive, everything moves and changes all the time, even if we do not notice it. More importantly, the passage of time is supposed to change us in significant ways as physical growth and aging is an inevitable consequence of time. As seasons change and move through a cycle, we learn from living and experiencing events through our lifetime. Apparently, emotional and psychological growth requires different timeframes for maturity depending on an individual. Concerning it, time seems to have a different unit. Sometimes, as we make mistakes, we incur costly damages not only in our relationships and concerns but also in our own and other people’s time. Ideally, though not normally, as we live and learn, the time we spend on mistakes and regrets decrease. This is a natural and ideal consequence of the passage of time. 1.1.2. Measurement of time The passage of time is commonly measured by seconds, hours, days, weeks, months and years. These are the familiar time spans that we are aware of. It would be interesting to note that there are other units of time, several times smaller than a second that also exist. The shortest, accurately measured length of time is a picosecond (1/ 1x1012 of a second) while a few nanoseconds (1/ 1x109 of a second) may measure the thinking capabilities of a normal personal computer.